UAE-backed Projects in Puntland on Track for Implementation

Mudug Region Set to Benefit from Infrastructural Development

In a bid to bolster infrastructural development in Puntland, particularly in the Mudug region, the United Arab Emirates is supporting five key projects aimed at enhancing connectivity and healthcare services. These projects are poised to transform the region’s landscape and improve the quality of life for its residents.

Under the auspices of the UAE, the following projects are currently underway:

1. The Garacad-Goldogob Corridor: A vital transportation link that promises to improve access and mobility within the region.

2. The Galkayo-Baadweyn Highway: A strategic roadway that will enhance connectivity between key population centers.

3. Upgrades to Galkayo Airport: Improvements to the airport infrastructure will facilitate smoother air travel and support economic growth.

4. Equipment of Galkayo General Hospital: The provision of state-of-the-art medical equipment aims to enhance healthcare services and improve patient outcomes.

5. Development of asphalt road infrastructure in Galkayo City: Investing in urban road infrastructure is crucial for ensuring efficient transportation within urban centers.

A committee from the UAE has arrived in Mudug to evaluate the progress of these projects and finalize implementation agreements with the relevant departments. The signing of these agreements is expected to occur within the month, marking a significant milestone in the partnership between Puntland and the UAE.

In addition to these developments, an upcoming presentation chaired by President Said Abdullahi Deni will showcase the plans and activities of the Puntland Government. This event, scheduled to take place in Galkayo, underscores the commitment of local authorities to transparency and public engagement.

With these initiatives in motion, Puntland is poised to experience tangible improvements in infrastructure and services, laying the groundwork for sustainable development and prosperity in the region.


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