Akhriso: Yaa loo magacaabay xubinta PEC ee Xisbiga Mustaqbal?

Xisbi siyaasadeed Mustaqbal ayaa magacaabay xubinta kumatalayasa Guddiga Doorashooyinka Puntland ee PEC, kaas oo dhismihiisa lasoo dhameystirayo horaanta bishan September.

Waraaq kasoo baxday Guddoomiyaha Mustaqbal ayaa loogu magacaabay Ubax Cabdullaahi Abshir oo horey u aheyd Xoghayihii Guddiga KMG ah ee Doorashooyinka Puntland (TPEC), in ay PEC ku matasho xisbi siyaasadeedka Mustaqbal.


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