Amhara region saw massive demonstration against displacement,killings

In the latest strings of attack against ethnic Amhara, at least 18 people were killed in Benihsangul Gumuz region of Ethiopia in the western part of the country on Monday this week. Many of them were killed with arrows.

The killings came after ethnic Gumuz and Shinasha launched organized attack and the violence has been going on for three days without prompt intervention to control it.

Today, residents of many towns in Amhara regional state took to the street to demonstrate against killings and displacement of ethnic Amhara people in different parts of the country including in Benishangul Gumuz.

In Bahir Dar, residents demanded an end to killings of ethnic Amhara and for restoration of law and order by enforcing rule of law. They demanded the regional and Federal levels of government to protect the safety and security of citizens.

As well, demonstrators condemned latest displacements of ethnic Amharas in Northern Shoa, Oromo administration within the region,Raya and Kobo and Benishangul Gumuz region, among others.

“Stop killings and displacement of Amhara,” “ADP [Amhara Democratic Party] should change its character, not just its name,” “The constitution is more dangerous than expired lethal chemical,” are some of the slogans that demonstrators chanted in the streets of Bahir Dar, Amhara regional state seat.

Similar demonstrations took place in Debre Tabor, Debre Markos, Dejen, Finote Selam, and Gondar among others.

Partial behavior of the Ethiopian Defense Force, as the protesters seem to believe, is one of the things that protesters opposed vehemently. They called on the Defense Force to protect the lives of citizens without bias against ethnic Amhara.

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