Intelligence report: Mogadishu is at risk to fall hand of Al Shabaab militant group
Al-Shabaab is gearing up to seize Mogadishu and establish its own government within the next…
Al-Shabaab is gearing up to seize Mogadishu and establish its own government within the next…
Kasoo biloow midigta, Madixii qaraxyada Ibraahim Cali Cabdi (Anta Anta) xiran Funaanada, [Bidixda] Amiirkii hore…
The sophisticated and often deceptive nature of propaganda in the digital age. Before an analysis…
MEPA News, More than 50 troops killed, apart from SNA forces and Macawiisley clan militias,…
Mogadishu, (Idil News) – Security soldiers opened fire on two unmanned suicide drones hovering over…
Garowe, (Idil News) – A military court in Puntland, a semi-autonomous region in northeastern Somalia,…
Garowe, (Idil News) – 10 December 2024, The 10th Puntland Regional Football Tournament officially commenced…
The growing presence and activities of notorious extremist promoters and operatives; such as Mukhtar Arbac…
Istanbul/ Garowe (Idil News) – Mohamed Ali Yusuf “Gaagaab,” a statesman Somali politician and senator…
9-year-old boy raped in Borama, Awdal region of Somaliland according to Journalist Nabil Ali Jawhar….
Axmed Maxamed Islaan, ayaa mar kale loo doortay Madaxweynaha Jubbaland, kaddib doorasho ka dhacday magaalada…
Doorashada Madaxweynaha Jubbaland ayaa goordhow ka bilaabanaysa magaalada Kismaayo, iyadoo ay ku loollami doonaan Afar…
Maxkamadda darajada kowaad ee gobalka Bari ayaa saaka xukun Dil ah ku fulisay Maxamed Abshir…
Baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa ku guda jira kulamo xasaasi ah oo kamid ah Kalfadhiga 55aad ee…
Taliska ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland ayaa ku jira diyaargarowgii ugu dambeeyay ee la xiriira duullaan culus…
Madaxweynaha doorashada looga guuleystay ee maamulka Somaliland, Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa hambalyo u diray Madaxweynaha…
Dowladda hoose ee Garoowe ayaa bilaabaysa dib u dhis lagu sameynayo argada barxada caasimadda Puntland,…
Munaasabad lagu weynaynayay xuska 1-da August oo aadan sanad-guuradii 26aad ee kasoo wareegtay aasaaska Dowladda…
Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa maanta kulan la qaatay qaybaha kala duwan…
Mudug Region Set to Benefit from Infrastructural Development In a bid to bolster infrastructural development…
Garoowe: 22 April 2024: Ku-simaha Madaxweynaha Ahna Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka Dowladda Puntland H.E Ilyaas Cismaan Lugatoor,ayaa…
In a recent attack launched by Iran against Israel, the majority of projectiles failed to…
In a significant meeting held at the Puntland government’s headquarters in Garowe, Acting President and…
The recent expulsion of the Ethiopian Ambassador by Somalia has ignited widespread debate, prompting many…
In a significant move towards bolstering bilateral relations, Puntland and Ethiopia have inked a…
Hassan Sheikh’s presidency in Somalia stands as a testament to failed leadership, with comparisons to…
Hassan Sheikh’s relentless pursuit of power through his proposed constitution is a blatant disregard for…
Two years ago, the residents of Mogadishu found themselves mobilized by the leadership of the…
On March 23, 2024, the Government of Puntland convened a crucial assembly at Puntland…
Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni, ayaa markii labaad loo doortay Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland, kaddib markii uu wareegii…
Civilians in Gabon are celebrating the release of military leaders who on Tuesday released political…
Dadka rayidka ah ee dalka Gabon ayaa u dabaal degaya sii deynta hogaamiyeyaasha miltariga ay…
KIGALI — The police said that a suspected murderer has been arrested in Rwanda after…
KIGALI — Booliska ayaa sheegay in dalka Rwanda lagu xiray nin la tuhunsan yahay inuu…
MOGADISHU — The Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Salah Ahmed Jamac,…
MUQDISHO — Ra’isul Wasaare ku Xigeenka Dowladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya Salah Axmed Jamac, ayaa maanta…
MOGADISHU — The Federal Government of Somalia said that at least 107 members of the…
MUQDISHO — Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay in ugu yaraan 107 xubnood oo ka tirsanaa…
PARIS — Soddonka cayaartoy ee sannadkan u tartamaysa kubadda dahabka ee xiddiga ugu wanagsan kubadda…
PARIS — The 30 players competing for the Golden Ball for the best football star…
NEW YORK — Golaha Ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa soo saaray qaraar cusub oo taabanaya…
NEW YORK — The United Nations Security Council has issued a new resolution affecting the…
OTTAWA — Soomaalida ku nool Canada ayaa codsaday in dowladda Soomaaliya ay soo faragaliso, oo…
OTTAWA — Somalis living in Canada have asked the government of Somalia to intervene and…
There is a very important news in the Middle East and IDILNEWS has discovered a…
Bariga dhexe waxaa ka soo kordhay akhbaar aad muhiim u ah IDILNEWS-na waxay ogaatay qorshe…
Maraykanka iyo Itoobiya,ayaa cadaadis ay sameeyeen,waxay ubadan tahay in uu miro dhalo. Saraakiil sar-sare oo…
The United States and Ethiopia have put pressure on it, it is likely to bear…
The Somali social media is talking about a young man who opens the car door…
Warbaahinta baraha bulshada soomaalida ayaa si weyn looga hadal hayaa wiil dhalinyaro ah oo albaabka…
DOHA — The Prime Minister of Somalia, Hamza Abdi Barre, who is on an official…
DOHA — Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xamza Cabdi Barre, oo booqasho rasmi ah ku jooga dalka…
RIYADH — Saudi Arabia and Russia agreed on Tuesday to continue cutting oil production until…
RIYADH — Sacuudi Carabiya iyo Ruushka ayaa Talaadadii ku heshiiyey inay illaa dhammaadka sanadka sii…
There is a political conflict between some of the top leaders of the state of…
Khilaaf siyaasadeed ayaa ka dhex taagan qaar ka mid ah madaxda sare ee dawlad-goboleedka Galmudug….
NAIROBI — Education crisis is once again facing the country in the North Eastern region…
NAIROBI — Qalalaase dhanka waxbarashada ah ayaa mar kale kusoo wajahan dalka gobolka Waqooyi Bari…
The President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, is holding a series of meetings with cultural…
Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa kulamo is daba joog ah kula yeelanaya magaalada Maxaas…