Hassan Sheikh admitted that he failed in the war on terror.
Tonight, he admitted that his leadership of the country has failed, and his speech in…
Tonight, he admitted that his leadership of the country has failed, and his speech in…
Gaalkacyo, Puntland, This afternoon, Puntland launched the 9th regional sports competition in Galkacayo. Sports strengthen…
Garowe, Puntland, Puntland suspends intergovernmental processes, citing a failure of dialogue with the Federal Government…
Ergayga gaarka ah ee u qaabilsan Xasillinta goobaha dagaallada Madaxweynaha DFS, Maxamed Cabdi Waare ayaa…
Ankara, Turkey, Two former presidents, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and Sharif Sheikh Ahmed met this week…
Army officers who seized power in a coup in Gabon on Wednesday have named Gen…
Ethiopia’s access to the coast has occupied the minds of the country’s rulers since time immemorial. This is…
A fire that engulfed a five-floors building in downtown Johannesburg on Thursday killed more than…
Garowe, Puntland Police in the Nugaal region have seized a lot of hashish drugs, and…
Dab qabsaday dhismo shan dabaq ah oo ku yaalla bartamaha magaalada Johannesburg ayaa Khamiistan dilay…
Booliska gobalka Nugaal ayaa gacanta ku dhigay xashiish fara-badan iyo dadkii watay, kuwaas oo ku…
The Acting President and Vice President of Puntland Ahmed E. Osman Karaash has traveled to…
Four explosions rocked cities in Sweden within an hour, police said, as the country grapples…
Ku-simaha Madaxweynaha ahna Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland Ahmed E. Osman Karaash ayaa u socdaalay magaalada Gaalkacyo…
Afar qarax ayaa saacad gudaheed ruxay magaalooyin ku yaalla dalka Sweden, sida ay booliska sheegeen,…
Laascaanood, The Acting President and Vice President of Puntland, Hajji Ahmed E. Osman Karaash, held…
Historical rivals Greece and Turkey are stepping up efforts to improve relations after the leaders…
Badhan, August 30, 2023: The Speaker of the Parliament of Puntland, Mr. Abdirashid Yusuf Jibril,…
WEDNESDAY AUGUST 30 2023 Summary • The Atmis took over from Amisom on April 1, 2022,…
Ku-simaha Madaxweynaha ahna Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka Puntland Ahna Kusimaha Madaxweynaha Hajji Ahmed E. Osman Karaash ayaa…
Dalalka Greece iyo Turkey ee uu xifaaltanka taariikhiga ah ka dhexeeyo ayaa kor u qaadaya…
The commander of the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) in Dolow district of Gedo…
The Acting President and Vice President of Puntland, Ahmed Ilmi Osman Karaash, spent last night…
A news release from the PSF Puntland Command said that Nur Abdullahi Maalingur, is the…
Taliyihii Hay’adda Sirdoonka iyo Nabad-sugida Soomaaliya ee NISA ee degmada Doolow ee gobalka Gedo ayaa…
Ku-simaha Madaxweynaha ahna Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, Axmed Cilmi Cismaan Karaash ayaa xalay ku hoyday xarunta…
War kasoo baxay Taliska ciidamada PSF Puntland, ayaa lagu sheegay in Nuur Cabdullaahi Maalinguur oo…
The Acting President of Puntland and the Vice President, Ahmed Ili Osman Karaash, today went…
Ku-simaha Madaxweynaha Puntland ahna Madadaxweyne kuxigeenka, Axmed Cilmi Cismaan Karaash oo maanta tagay xuduudka gobalka…
French President Emmanuel Macron said that his country’s ambassador to Niger will not leave the…
The United States and Somalia today signed a development agreement worth $92.6 million, which the…
Laascaanood, The Vice President of Puntland, Ahmed Ilmi Osman Karaash, visited the town of Laascanood…
Addis Ababa insists the dam will not harm its neighbours as another meeting is held…
Madaxweynaha Faransiiska Emmanuel Macron ayaa sheegay in danjiraha dalkiisa u fadhiya Niger, aanu dalkaas ka…
Mareykanka iyo Soomaaliya ayaa maanta kala saxiixday heshiis horumarineed oo ku kacaya $92.6 milyan, kaasi…
Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, Axmed Cilmi Cismaan Karaash ayaa booqday magaalada Laascaanood iyo furimaha hore ee…
10 of the Somali prisoners were imprisoned with the former President of the Somali region…
The president of SFG based in Mogadishu, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, was in the capital of…
10 kamid ah maxaabiista Soomaalida ahaa ee la xirnaa Madaxweynihii hore ee deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya,…
Madaxweynaha DFS ee fadhigeedu yahay Muqdisho, Xasan Shiikh Maxamuud oo todobaadyadii u dambeeyay ku sugnaa…
The leader of the Libyan government said on Sunday that he had fired his foreign…
Celebrating the victory of the liberation of the Sool region and the defeat of the…
The rest of Puntland have fulfilled their duty and the Sool operation has been successfully…
The Dhusamareb meeting had no meaning and ended without any effect. Also, what he called…
Garowe, August 28, 2023: Notice announcing the sitting Schedule of Local Councils in Puntland Districts….
Garowe, Puntland, The Vice President of Puntland, Ahmed Ilmi Osman Karaash is visiting the city…
Hoggaamiyaha dowladda Libya ayaa Axaddii sheegay inuu shaqo ka-joojin ku sameeyey wasiirkiisa arrimaha dibedda kadib…
Dabaaldega guushii xoreynta gobalka Sool iyo jabkii ciidamada maamulka Somaliland ee dagaalkii jimcihii oo weli…
Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, Axmed Cilmi Cismaan Karaash ayaa todobaadkan booqasho ku tagaya magaalada Laascaanood ee…
A plane belonging to the US Marines crashed on an island in the north of…
The meeting of the National Consultative Council that brought together the leaders of Southern Somalia…
Diyaarad ay leeyihiin ciidamada Marines-ka Mareykanka ayaa Axadda maanta ah ku burburtay jasiirad ku taal…
Shirka Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran ee ay isugu yimaadeen madaxda Koonfurta Soomaaliya kana socday caasimadda maamulka…
The international community has released a press release about the defeat of the Somaliland administration…
General Mahad Cambaashe, who was the Commander of the 7th battalion of the Somaliland administration…
Janaraal Mahad Cambaashe, oo ahaa Taliyihii ciidamada Guutada 7aad ee maamulka Somaliland ayaa ku sugan…
Minnepolis,Minnesota, The people of Puntland living in the Minneopolis,Minnesota state of the United States of…
Laascaanood, The leader of the SSC, Abdul Qadir Ahmed Aw Ali, held a press conference…
Shacabka Reer Puntland ee kunool gobalka Minnesota ee dalka Mareykanka, ayaa si weyn ugu dabaaldegay…
Hoggaamiyaha SSC, Cabdulqaadir Axmed Aw Cali oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Laascaanood ayaa ka warbixiyay…