Cluster evaluation of projects on protecting, improving, and sustaining food security in rural Somalia

Somalia has suffered decades of complex emergencies and is facing one of the most protracted crises in the world, pervaded by political instability, conflict, environmental and economic shocks. In 2020, the food security situation improved with reduced numbers of people affected and their geographic spread, however, the overall situation remains poor and again worsened in 2021.

In this context, FAO started its Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) activities in 2008 with a cash for work programme. Since then, CVA has become an important component of its country programme.

The cluster evaluation covers FAO projects in Somalia that incorporate cash transfers and were implemented between 2019-2021. The evaluation aims to provide accountability for results achieved in improving and sustaining food security in Somalia. Importantly, it aims to draw lessons from project design and implementation process that could inform future projects that rely on the CVA modalities and decisions by the project team and key FAO partners.

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