Dagaal xoog badan oo markale ka dhex qarxay RSF iyo Ciidamada Sudan

Sudanese security forces ensure security during a rally upon the arrival of Sudanese president for a visit in al-Geneina, the capital of the West Darfur state, on April 2, 2016. - Omar al-Bashir started a tour of Darfur on April 1, 2016 ahead of a referendum on whether to keep the conflict-torn western area as five states or to create one united region. Bashir -- who is wanted over war crimes allegations in Darfur -- said he is holding the vote under a 2011 agreement between Khartoum and some of the rebel groups that have been battling his forces for more than a decade. (Photo by ASHRAF SHAZLY / AFP)

Ciidamada Dalka Suudaan,ayaa bilaabay weerarro culus oo ka dhan ah Ciidamada ay iska soo hor jeedaan ee RSF, iyagoo bartilmaameedsanaya goobo ka mid ah caasimadda, oo ay lumiyeen 17-Bilood ka hor markii uu bilowday dagaalka.

Ciidamada Dowladda,ayaa duqeymo Cirka ah iyo Madaafiic ku garaacay fariisimaha RSF ee Magaalooyinka Khartoum iyo Baxri.

Goob joogayaal,ayaa kusoo waramaya duqeymo xoogan iyo dagaal culus,iyadoo Ciidamada xooga dalka ay la dagaalamayaan kuwa RSF.

Dagaalkan,ayaa imaanaya,iyadoo lagu wado in hogaamiyaha ciidamada Sudan, Abdel Fattah al Burhan, uu khudbad maanta a jeediyo,Shirka guud ee Qaramada Midoobay ee New York.

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