DENI ma ku saxsanaa dhaafinta goob doorashada Gaalkacyo ?

Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr. Siciid C/llaahi Deni, ayaa waxqabadkiisii Gaalkacyo ee muuqday waxaa nusqaamiyay ka leexida uu ka leexiyay xarun doorasheedka.

Waxa laga hadlayay waa muuqaalka laga qaadanayo doorashadaas, taas oo bixisay sawir aan wanaagsaneyn.

Wakiilkii hore ee IGAD uqaabilsanaa Somaliya Maxamed Cabdi Afey,ayaa qormadan kooban soo dhigay bartiisa Facebook-ga “Somalia is preparing for elections…Delighted to hear that Galkayo City will host federal elections of Members of parliament.I remember the most trying time of my diplomatic career where I witnessed deadly conflict and did not become diplomatic. Glad that an important National event is taking place.Warm congratulations to Galmamthug and Puntland communities”Amb.Afey.

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