Dooli caan ku ahaa urinta Miinooyinka oo hawlgab noqday (Sawirro)

Undated handout photo issued by the PDSA of Cambodian landmine detection rat, Magawa, wearing his PDSA Gold Medal, the animal equivalent of the George Cross. Magawa, a giant African pouched rat, has discovered 39 landmines and 28 items of unexploded ordnance since he was trained by charity APOPO. PA Photo. Issue date: Friday September 25, 2020. See PA story ANIMALS Rat. Photo credit should read: PDSA/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.

Dooli (Jiir) lagu magacaabo Magawa oo ka shaqeynayay muddo 5 sanno ah urinta Miinooyinka iyo walxaha qarxa, kana howlgalayay dalka Cambodia ayaa noqday hawlgab, sida ay shaacisay Hay’adda samafalka ee APOPO.

Magawa oo asal ahaan kasoo jeeda dalka Tanzania, ayaa intii uu howlgalada waday kashifay illa 71 miino oo dhulka lagu aasay iyo 38 walxaha qarxa oo aan qarxin.

Dooligan ama jiirkan ayaa ku guuleysatay abaalmarinta ugu sareysa ee samafalka Britishka sanadkii la soo dhaafay.


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