Dowlada Dhexe Ee Itoobiya oo xiriirkii ujartay Maamulka Tigreega

Dawladda Fadaraalka Itoobiya waxay xiriirkiibujartay guud ahaan Maamulkii Tigreega marka laga reebo arimaha horunarinta Bulshada oo ay la wadaagi doonaan Maamulada hoose.

Go’aamadan ma ahan kuwo saamayn ku yeelanaya Tigreega,balse waxaa la sugayaa go’aamo kale oo kasoo baxa Dowlada Dhexe.

“Huge story: Ethiopia’s House of Federation gives the federal government to sever ties with the Tigray regional state’s top leadership. Instead, federal govt will only interact with city and district administrations. ⁦@addisstandard⁩ has the details.

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