Dowlada Imaaraadka Oo cadaysay in ay sii wadi doonto taageerada ay siiso Ciidamada Puntland

Qoraal kasoo baxay dowlada Imaaraadka ayaa lagu sheegay in ay joojiyeen taageeradii iyo mucaawanadii ay siin jireen Somaliya ,gaar ahaan Muqdisho ,kadib markii ay ciidamada dowlada Xamar ay qabsadeen diyaarad shacab oo ay saarnayd lacag ahayd mushahaar iyo kharashaad kale oo ay leeyihiin ciidamada Somaliya ee ay dwolada imaraadku gacanta ku hayso.
Sidoo kale qoraalka ayaa lagu cadeeyay in dowlada imaaraadku sii wadi doonto taageerada ay siiso Ciidamada badda Puntland si ay awoodoodu usiix oogaysato.
Hadalkan ayaa waxuu farxad u yahay reer Puntland,ka gadaal markii uu yimid isfahan waa si deg-deg ah ku dhacay maalin ka hor,kaasoo ay aad ubuunbuunsheen saxaafada Muqdisho.
In ka badan 1400 oo askari oo reer Puntalnd ah ayay dowlada imaaraadku gacanta ku haysaa mushahaarkooda,qalabayntooda iyo tababaradooda.
Hadalkan kasoo baxay dowlada imaaraadkuna waxuu u yahay Puntland mid macno weyn usamaynaya.
The UAE has decided to disband its military training programme in Somalia which started in 2014 to build the capabilities of the Somali army.
The decision comes in response to Somali security forces’ seizure of a UAE-registered civil aircraft at Mogadishu Airport and confiscation of money destined to pay the soldiers.
The UAE and Somalia are bound by historical relations based on mutual respect and the UAE Forces had carried out a number of training missions for thousands of Somalis to build up their capabilities. In addition, the UAE has been paying the salaries of 2407 Somali soldiers and built three training centres, a hospital, and dispatched Emirati medical teams for treating Somalis.
The UAE is supervising the counter-piracy maritime police force in Puntland where the UAE has been effectively contributing to leveraging the capacities of the Somali military and security facilities while supporting efforts to fight terrorism in collaboration with a number of international parties and the African Union’s forces in Somalia.
The UAE has expressed its denunciation of the seizure incident which flies in the face of diplomatic traditions and ties between world countries and contravenes the agreements signed by both countries.
WAM/Hatem Mohamed/Tariq alfaham

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