Dozens of Militants Al-Shabaab Operatives Infiltrating into Yemen to Support Houthis with Ground and Naval Operations, Khabar Agency

Numbers of militants Al-Shabaab members are crossing water-borders into Yemen to support Houthis with battlefield and vessel activities, reported by Khabar Agency citing intelligence sources.

Dozens of Al-Shabaab members, affiliated with Al-Qaeda and a stronghold in South and Central Somalia, have been reportedly arrived in the provinces of Hodeidah and Abyan (western and central Yemen), as part of a joint coordination operation shared by the organization’s leadership and the Houthis. Intelligence sources according to Khabar Agency.

The Houthis brought in these elements affiliated with the terrorist entity Al-Qaeda from South Somalia, where they have been arriving in separate shipments in recent days to parts of the province of Hodeidah, which is under Houthi control, and the province of Abyan, which is currently beneath by the internationally recognized Yemeni government’s control. The sources reported.

Al-Qaeda leaders in Abyan, which is witnessing significant activity by the terrorist group, were responsible for smuggling these operatives to Houthi-controlled areas. Houthis are preparing these operatives to participate in hostile and terrorist operations that are expected to include both land and sea. The reports have been added.

The Houthi militia realizes – Since the fall of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime – that its downfall was quickly approaching, especially in light of the growing popular discontent due to suppression, torture, and starvation that it has practiced against the people for a whole decade since its coup against the system.

This article is whole or in part published by Al Khabar Agency.

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