Gobolka Amxaarada oo lagu sii adkeeyay amarkii deg-dega ahaa

epa000454054 Ethiopian special forces soldiers patrol the streets of Addis Ababa, Friday 10 June 2005. Most shops were shuttered and taxis were again on strike for the third day in a row while families collected the dead for burial following riots over election results and government warnings that any more civil unrest would be dealt with sternly. EPA/STEPHEN MORRISON

Baarlamaanka Itoobiya,ayaa meel mariyay markale xaalad deg deg ah oo lagu sii hayo Gobolka Amxaarada.

Dagaalo culus,ayaa ka socda Gobolkaas,kaasoo udhaxeeya Ciidamaad Milleteriga iyo kuwa Maleeshiyada Amxaarada.

Wararkii ugu danbeeyay ee laga helayo Gobolkaas,ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamada Dowlada laga awood roonaaday oo Maleeshiyada Amxraadu dib usoo ceshteen Dhul badan.

Tan iyo markii Abiy xukunka qabtay,waxaa Itoobiya ka socda colaado sokeeye.


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