Hassan Sheikh’s Constitutional Overreach: Threatning Somalia’s fragile progress

Hassan Sheikh’s relentless pursuit of power through his proposed constitution is a blatant disregard for democratic norms and a betrayal of the Somali people’s aspirations for genuine governance.

1. Exploiting Chaos: Manipulating Political Turmoil
Hassan’s insistence on a direct election of the President, despite the prevailing chaos and insecurity in many parts of Somalia, is not just impractical but exploitative. By clinging to power under such circumstances, he reveals a callous disregard for the safety and welfare of the Somali people.

2. Executive Tyranny: Consolidating Authoritarian Rule

Granting the President unchecked authority to appoint and remove the Prime Minister is a dangerous consolidation of power that undermines the very foundations of democracy. Hassan’s blatant power grab threatens to plunge Somalia into a dictatorship, where the whims of one individual supersede the will of the people.

3. Political Monopoly: Suffocating Pluralism

Hassan’s attempt to restrict the number of political parties to three is a blatant maneuver to stifle dissent and monopolize the political landscape. By eradicating the multi-party system, he seeks to silence opposition voices and entrench his own power, regardless of the cost to democracy and freedom.

4. Term Extension: Trampling on Democratic Principles

Hassan’s audacious bid to extend his presidential term is nothing short of a betrayal of democratic ideals. By seeking to unlawfully prolong his rule, he undermines the very essence of democratic governance and subverts the will of the Somali people.

In summary, Hassan Sheikh’s relentless power grab through his proposed constitution represents a grave threat to Somalia’s fragile progress and democratic aspirations. His actions betray a blatant disregard for the rule of law and the principles of democracy, and it is imperative for the international community and the Somali people to stand united against his authoritarian ambitions.

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