International Partners Urge Resolution of Electoral Impasse

For immediate release


International Partners Urge Resolution of Electoral Impasse

Mogadishu, 12 January 2021 – Somalia’s international partners* are deeply concerned about the continuing impasse in implementing the electoral model agreed on 17 September by President Mohammed Abdullahi Farmajo and Federal Member State leaders.

We urge Somalia’s top political stakeholders to demonstrate leadership in the interest of the nation and to quickly resolve outstanding issues of implementation through dialogue and compromise, so that a credible electoral process can proceed as soon as possible.

The partners appreciate recent initiatives. In particular, they welcome the visit of Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble to Galmudug and Puntland; the discussions among a wide range of senior Somali leaders hosted in Garowe by Puntland President Said Deni; and the outreach by Galmudug President Ahmed Abdi Karie ‘Qor Qor,’ who conveyed proposals from Garowe to Federal Government of Somalia leaders and other political figures.

The partners note that the 17 September Agreement was endorsed by the Federal Government, all Federal Member States and both houses of Parliament, and was also welcomed by many Presidential aspirants. Notwithstanding the disappointment of the partners and many Somalis that this model falls far short of ‘one-person, one-vote’ elections, the 17 September Agreement remains the sole acceptable basis for the 2021 elections. There can be no re-opening of the 17 September Agreement or the creation of an alternative or parallel process. Broadly inclusive understandings on its implementation are needed to ensure the credibility of this process. This would be in line with the agreed commitment from the Somali Partnership Forum. Partners would welcome an accelerated effort to resolve, as a matter of urgency, remaining issues and conclude such understandings in the coming days, so that elections could begin later this month.
The partners urge Somalia’s leaders to respect and fully implement the 30 per cent women’s quota in parliament, as they committed to in the 17 September Agreement.

The international partners reiterate that any threat or use of violence is not acceptable. They also emphasize the importance of free and open political space in which candidates are able to express their views peacefully and the media are able to operate without restriction.
The spirit of dialogue and compromise which led to the signing of the 17 September Agreement must be sustained to move the electoral process forward.

  • African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, European Union, France, Germany, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Italy, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and the United Nations.

Faafin degdeg ah


Saaxiibada Caalamku Waxay Ku Baaqayaan In La Xalliyo Is-mari-waaga Ka Taagan Doorashooyinka

Muqdisho, 12 Janaayo 2021 – Saaxiibada Soomaaliya ee caalamka* waxay aad uga walaacsan yihiin is-mari-waaga ka taagan hirgelinta hanaanka doorasho ee 17-kii Sebtember ku heshiiyeen Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo madaxda Dowlad Goboleedyada Xubnaha ka ah Dowladda Federaalka ah. Waxaan ugu baaqaynaa saamilayda siyaasadeed ee sare inay muujiyaan hogaan iyadoo la tixgelinayo danta umadda iyo inay si dhakhso leh u xalliyaan arrimaha ka taagan hirgelinta iyadoo loo marayo isu-tanaasul, si loosii guda galo geedi-socod doorasho oo lagu kalsoonaan karo oo u dhaca sida ugu dhakhsiyaha badan.

Saaxiibadu waxay ka mahad celinayaan dadaalladii lagu dhaqaaqay dhowaan. Gaar ahaan, waxay soo dhoweynayaan booqashadii ra’iisul wasaare Maxamed Xuseen Rooble uu ku tegay Galmudug iyo Puntland; wada hadalladii dhex maray madax sare oo badan oo Soomaaliyeed oo uu Garowe ku martigaliyay madaxweynaha Puntland Siciid Deni; iyo xiriiradii uu sameeyay Madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Cabdi Kaariye “Qoor Qoor,” oo soo gudbiyay talooyinkii ka yimid Garowe unasoo gudbiyay madaxda DFS iyo xubnaha kale ee siyaasadda.

Saaxiibadu waxay garwaaqsanyihiin in Heshiiska 17kii Sebtember ay ansixiyeen Dowladda Federaalka ah, dhammaan Dowlad Goboleedyada Xubnaha ka ah Dowladda Federaalka ah iyo labada gole ee Baarlamaanka, waxaana sidoo kale soo dhoweeyay musharaxiin badan oo u taagan xilka madaxweyne. In kasta oo saaxiibada iyo dad badan oo Soomaaliyeed ay ka niyad jabeen in hanaankan uu aad uga hooseeyo doorashooyinka “qof-iyo-cod” ah, ayaa haddana heshiiska 17kii Sebtember wuxuu yahay aasaaska kaliya ee la aqbali karo in loo maro doorashooyinka 2021. Ma jiri karo dib-u-furid lagu sameeyo Heshiiska 17-kii Sebtember ama abuuritaanka hanaan kale ama mid barbar-socda. Waxaa loo baahan yahay in is-faham ballaaran oo loo wada dhanyahay laga gaaro hirgelinta [heshiiskaas] si loo xaqiijiyo kalsooni lagu qabo geeddi-socodkan. Tani waa in ay la jaan-qaaddo ballan-qaadyadii lagu heshiiyay ee shirkii Madasha Iskaashiga Soomaaliya. Saaxiibadu waxay soo dhaweynayaan dadaallo dardar-gelin leh oo sida ugu dhakhsiyaha badan loogu xalliyo arrimaha taagan, looguna soo gabagabeeyo is-faham la gaaro maalmaha soo socda, si ay doorashadu u bilaabato dabayaaqada bishan.

Saaxiibadu waxay ku boorrinayaan madaxda Soomaaliyeed inay ixtiraamaan oo ay si buuxda u hirgeliyaan qoondada haweenka ee boqolkiiba 30 ku yeelanayaan baarlamaanka, sidii ay ugu ballanqaadeen heshiiska 17kii Sebtember.

Saaxiibada caalamku waxay mar kale ku celinayaan in hanjabaad kasta ama adeegsiga rabshado aan la aqbali karin. Waxay sidoo kale carrabka ku adkeynayaan ahmiyadda ay leedahay in la helo jawi siyaasadeed xor ah oo furan kaas oo musharaxiinta ay awoodaan inay si nabad ah ku soo bandhigaan aragtiyadooda isla markaana ay warbaahintu awood u leedahay inay ku shaqeyso xayiraad la’aan.

Waa in la joogteeyo jawigii wadahadalka iyo isu-tanaasulka ku salaysnaa ee hor-seeday in la gaaro Heshiiska 17kii Sebtember si geedi-socodka doorashada horay loogu sii amba qaado.

  • Hawlgalka Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya (AMISOM), Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Masar, Itoobiya, Midowga Yurub, Faransiiska, Jarmalka, Urur-Goboleedka (IGAD), Ireland, Talyaaniga, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Boqortooyada Midowday ee Britain, Dowladda Maraykanka, ee Qaramada Midoobay.

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