Isbarbar dhiga Deeqaha Shiinaha iyo Midowga Yurub Ee Somaliya?

Shiinaha oo ah awooda Labaad ee Dhaqaalaha caalamka,waxuu Somaliya ugu deeqay Lacag ka yar $140-kun.

Halka Midowga Yurub ugu deeqay Somaliya $7.7 Milyan iyo Diyaarado helicopter oo lagu gaaro goobaha go’doonka ah.

“EU announces that it allocates US 7.7 M to emergency humanitarian aid to the people most affected by the current floods in Somalia. The EU is also launching a helicopter deployment for hard-to-reach areas scheduled for Dec 2023, with a two-month duration”.

Saamayntooda Somalida ee dhinacyada Siyaasada iyo amaanka sidaas ayay ukala ballaaran tahay.

Indha yartu Aduunka kulama loolami karaan reer Galbeedka marka la qiimeeyo qorshayaashooda,wax quuristooda iyo hab fikirkooda.

Jibril Qoobey.

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