Maraykanka oo dib ufasaxay taageerida Ciidamada Somaliya

Maraykanku waxuu dib ufasaxay dhaqaalihii uu ku taageeri jiray Ciidamada Somaliya.

Dib ufasixidan waxay ku kooban tahay Ciidamada sida tooska ah dagaalka ugula jira Alshabaab.

Taasi waxay ka macno tahay in Sadex Ciidan oo qura ay heli doonaan taageerada Maraykanka,kuwaasoo kala ah…

B.Ciidamada Puntland

T.Ciidanka Danab

J.Ciidamada Jubaland

Waxaa meesha ka baxay Maleeshiyaadkii Dowlada Fadaraalku ku dhaqaale qaadan jirtay ee aan qaybta ka ahayn la dagaalanka argagixisada.

Go’aanka Maraykanka waxaa ku xiran shuruud oranaysa in Dowlada Dhexe iyo Dowladaha xubnaha ka ah ay ku heshiiyaan marka hore Ciidamada la taageerayo.

Taasi waxay muujinaysaa sida Maraykanku uga aamin baxay Dowlada Dhexe ee Somaliya.

Go’aankan waxuu kusoo aadayaa,iyadoo wafti sare oo Maraykanka ka socda uu soo gaaray Kismaayo.

Sidoo kale go’aanku waxuu jawaab u yahay baaqii Madaxweyne Deni ee ahaa in caalamku dib uga fiirsado taageerida uu siiyo Ciidamada Dowlada Dhexe ee sida khaldan loo adeegsaday….

“The United States resumed providing direct security assistance to a non-mentored unit of the Somali National Armed Forces (SNAF) this week in support of counterterrorism operations in Lower Shabelle against al Shabaab.

We commend the steps taken by the Federal Government of Somalia to improve public financial management of the SNAF as part of ongoing institutional reforms, which give the United States increased confidence in accountability mechanisms for donor resources. We call on the FGS to continue prioritizing security sector reforms, including asset management and human resources, as part of the comprehensive effort to build and sustain capable, professional, and accountable security forces.

While these ongoing SNAF reforms are important, the United States will only continue support to SNAF operations that are focused on defeating terrorist organizations. Furthermore, reconciliation between the Federal Government and Federal Member States is an even more vital step towards reestablishing governance, security, and prosperity for all Somalis.

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