Maraykanka oo hoos udhigay Madaxweynanimada Farmaajo kuna baaqay doorasho deg-deg ah

Afhayeenka Waaxda Arriamah Dibedda Mareykanka Ned Price ayaa sheegeay in Mareykanka uu ka walaacsan yahay inaan weli heshiis laga gaarin sidii doorashooyin looga fulin lahaa Soomaaliya.

“Dowladda Mareykanka waxay doorashooyin deg deg loo qabto u aragtaa inay muhiim u yihiin mustaqbalka Soomaaliya. Heshiis waa la gaari karaa. Waxaan ugu baaqaynaa madaxda Soomaalida inay si deg deg ah dib ugu soo celiyaan wada-halladooda si heshiis looga gaaro doorashada,” ayuu yiri Ned Price.

Afhayeenku marna Farmaajo kuma sheegin Madaxweynaha Somaliya ee xiligan,taasoo wax utaraysa horusocodka Dimuqraadiyada Somaliya,waji gabaxna ku ah Kali talisnimada,xukun boobka iyo Kursi jeclaysiga xuduud dhaafka ah.

Jibril Qoobey.

U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement regarding Somalia’s escalating electoral crisis after President Mohamed Abdullahi “Farmajo” Mohamed’s mandate expired without an agreement on the conduct of previously scheduled elections:

“I am alarmed by the escalating electoral crisis in Somalia and the real risk of bloodshed as a result of the current political deadlock. The current impasse between President Farmajo, leaders of the Federal Member States, and the Somali opposition threatens the Somali people’s hard-fought political and economic gains over the last decade, placing the broader stability of the country in grave jeopardy.

“Recognizing Al Shabaab will seek any opportunity to exploit political chaos to further its campaign of terror, I call on all parties to immediately disengage from the politics of personal gain and resolve their remaining disagreements on the conduct of elections without delay. Any such agreement must adhere to principles of fair play and advance progress towards competitive, multi-party democracy in Somalia.”


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