Mashruuca Hal Qof Hal Geed (Garowe) iyo Maanso aan u tiriyey!Bashir M. Hussein

Despite all the negative and sometimes pretty scary news from our beloved country, thanks God, there are also always some bright examples in the form of altruistic and self-less efforts undertaken by some outstanding members of our society.

The youth stands always out! I was amazed earlier this year, during a workshop held at the Puntland State University (Garowe) to present our research on the public perception and accountability to the public, by the extremely telling (corruption-related) experiences of some attending young men and women and their enthusiasm to commit themselves to fight corruption in our country. Today,

I am sharing with you another shining example again from the Garowe youth. They organized themselves and committed themselves to do something about one of the problems of Puntland capital.

They want to make the city much greener than it is right now. The project is called Hal Qof Hal Geed! The idea is to get every and each person plant (at least) one tree! Personally, when I saw these young men and women one day along the streets of Garowe, I could not resist.

I joined them and “bought” two trees planted in two different places. It is my intention also to get my hands muddy very soon IA. I hope also that the rest of Puntland and the wider Somalia will immitate Garowe youth and replicate such useful projects elsewhere.

This evening, while pondering a bit, I composed the HGHQ “poem” to encourage further both the youth themselves and the general public to contribute to the project.

I have also attached a clip showcasing some of their activities. I would invite you all also to (possibly) contribute to this and other public projects like the drought relief (which I’m sure most of you did already). The youth need our support.


Bashir Hal qof iyo Hal Geed baan lahaa, hadal usoo jeedi. Hableheenna noo kacay iyo raggeer, hana inoo qaaday. Hambalyo iyo salaan baan rabaa, inaan ku hoobshaaye.

Hormuudkeennii weeyoo iyagu, hagar ma muujaane.

Hareerohooda waakuwa dayoo, hawl u qalab qaatay.

Hiil iyo waxay ku hammiyeen, hawlihii qarane.

Hal abuur ayay nagu hanteen, waqay hanad ahaadaane.

Hawlohoodii qaar baa ka haray, iyo waxay toodu gaar u hibabaysay.

Hantidooday hoo kugu hayaan, har iyo leylkiiye.

Harraadkaas bulshada haysta bay, la halgamaayaane.

Har inay na geeyaan bay rabaan, geedo harac weyne.

Hamuun iyo waxaa loo qabaa, gaajo aan harine.

Halakada degaankay haddeer, ka hortagaayaane.

Hal-halyskoodu Hawl badan, iyo hadal yar weeyaane.

Hibo waxay u yeesheen inaan, laga horraynayne.

Hilaadkooda dunidaas kalay, la hardamaayaane.

Halka hore inay nagu hagaan, ayay ku hammiyaayaane.

Hankii Soomaalidoo horumaray, ku hammiyaayaane.

Haybaddaan lahaan jirniyo, heerkaan beri joognay.

Horarkii na dhaafshay rabaan, inay hor-joogaane.

Hooyooyin iyo waalidkiyo, intii hadalku uu gaaray.

Haloosiga magaalada waxii, aan hiyi abuurnay Hareeraha dalkoo idil waxaan haatuf lalinaynay.

Himilada shacbiga iyo hankaas heerkas sare gaaray.

Haasaawaha magaaladu haddeer waa is wada haystay.

Hiil iyo in loo hagar baxaa hadalku joogaaye.

Hoo anoo u baahanna haddeer, hadal ma haybsheene.

Haraggaaga oogada biyaha, lama hareer seejo.

Hantidiinna quuroo dadoow, maalka hura maanta.

Habsamina usoo hawlgaloo, yaan-na la hilmaamin.

Hurdo iyo habsaanbaa marnaba, horumar ina haleelsiine

Hagardaamo iyo xaasid waa, halistii naareedee

Hogga aakhiriyo maalinaan, hoo lays oranaynin.

Horay waxaad u dhigatiyo dhitaad kaga helaysaane.

Haqab-beel dadkeenniyo dantiis, baad ku helaysaane

Habeenkaas la joogiyo haddeer hibada noo meersha.


N.B. Maansadan dhiirri-galinta ah oo aan ugu talogalay mashruuca Hal Qof Hal Geed waxaa caawa oo taariikhdu tahay 26-02-2017 curiyey Dr. Bashir M. Hussein (Shakiib). Madash

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