Midowga Africa oo ka hor yimid muddo kordhinta Farmaajo (Akhriso)

Golaha amaanka ee Midowga Afrika oo ka hor yimid mudo kororsigii sharcidarada ahaa,isla markaana amray in heshiiskii 17-Sep lagu laabto.

Goluhu waxuu kaloo isla qaatay in ergay cusub loo magacaabo dhexdhexaadinta ismariwaaga doorashada Somaliya,kaasoo noqon doona Madaxweynihii hore ee Siraliyoon.

Dooda Golaha waxaa looga adkaaday Itoobiya oo difaacaysay mudo kororsiga Farmaajo.

Sidoo kale Ergay Itoobiyaan ah oo Farmaajo ku faraxsanaa,ayaa daaqada laga tuuray,kaasoo ahaa RW-hore Itoobiya Hayle Maryum iyo mid Eretereyaan ah.

Dhan walba Farmaajo iyo xulafadiisa Itoobiya waa looga dheereeyay doodii fadhiga ee Golaha.

Warmurtiyeedka rasmiga ah,waxuu soo bixi doona beri oo 23-bisha ah.

Halkan ka akhriso English-ahaan”

Update of AUPSC meeting today:

  • All members of the PSC (Except Ethiopia ) condemned the unilateral extension on 12 April. Kenya and Djibouti said the move could trigger a civil war which could destabilize the whole region. Nigeria and Ghana said the move is inherently undemocratic and contrary to AU principles
  • All members welcomed the AU role in mediation. They also agreed the need for a high-level official to be appointed for mediation.
  • Egypt proposed Amr Mousa, former FM and Arab League chief. Farmaajo lobbied for Hailemariam Desalegn, former Ethiopian PM or an Eritrean official
  • Nigeria, Ghana and others proposed Earnest Bai Koroma, former Sierra Leone president. Most members supported this proposal. It’s expected that Congo president will appointment him soon.
  • communique of PSC meeting was put on hold as per the procedures of the commission when a member state expresses concern. The silent period is 24 hours. Only PSC members can edit the communique
  • the thrust of the communique is that AU will not accept unilateral extension, and that the parameters of the AU mediation must be on 17 September agreement.
  • communique will come out tomorrow Friday 23 April. EU, USA, UN & others will support it as the basis for the AU mediation.

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