Midowga Yurub oo taageeray Warkii kasoo baxay Golaha amaanka Ee Afrika

Somalia : Statement by the High Representative Josep Borrell on the political and security situation

The conclusions in the African Union’s Peace and Security Council’s 22nd April Communique on the political and security situation in Somalia are decisive and welcome.

The European Union supports the rejection of any mandate extension and looks forward to a prompt return to negotiations, facilitated by an African Union envoy, to achieve consensus for elections, based on the agreement of 17 September 2020.

The EU also welcomes the call for a Troop Contributing Countries (TCC) meeting to assess the security situation in Somalia.

The EU stands ready to cooperate closely with the AU envoy and, meanwhile, appeals for calm and the avoidance of any further action that might exacerbate tension.


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