Diplomats of mostly Western nations, accredited to Somalia, IGAD and AU have been gathering in Garowe, Puntland, to participate in round-table discussions on Puntland forthcoming Council Elections and to express donor support to Puntland efforts on the democratization process.

The high profile diplomats, including UN Secretary-General Representative to Somalia, AU and IGAD Representatives, ambassadors of USA, Sweden, Britain and representatives from Norway, among others, are all in-hand in Garowe, the Capital City of Puntland State.

It is a crucial exposure of Puntland elections to the International Community. Western donor support is a critical component to conduct these historic elections.

CORRECTION: Earlier in this Breaking News, we reported incorrectly arrival of CNN and Al Jazeera news outlets in Garowe. An apology to our readers.

Diplomats visiting Puntland State House today had issues and questions to the authorities here, according to persons familiar with the subjects discussed. IC and donors wanted clarifications on a number of topics involving forthcoming Council polls, urging authorities to conduct free and fair elections in a competitive and inclusive environment. A successful Puntland Council elections would set a precedent and model for the rest of Somalia, they urged. Puntland authorities have expressed commitment to seeing this process through.

Diplomats visiting Puntland State House today had issues and questions to the authorities here. They wanted clarifications on a number of topics involving forthcoming Council polls, urging authorities to conduct free and fair elections in a competitive and inclusive environment. A successful Puntland Council elections would set a precedent and model for the rest of Somalia, they urged. Puntland authorities have expressed commitment to seeing this process through.


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