Read: The international community released news about the defeat of the Somaliland army

The international community has released a press release about the defeat of the Somaliland administration forces in the war that started on Friday outside the town of Lascaanod, which caused Muse Bihi’s forces to be taken over to Guumeys area which is about 20 KM from the town of Oog.


Friends of the international community strongly condemn the escalation of conflict in Lasanood, including reports that the fighting has spread outside the city.

We urge all parties to agree to an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. We call for an end to the mobilization of fighters, and the provision of supplies and weapons. We are deeply concerned by reports that there are large numbers of prisoners, and we expect those involved to comply with human rights law and international humanitarian law, especially the protection of civilians and community infrastructure.

We reiterate the importance of ensuring unhindered access to humanitarian aid and assistance to those in need. We urge all parties to refrain from divisive rhetoric. All complaints and tensions should be resolved through peaceful dialogue.

African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), Belgium, Canada, Djibouti, Delegation of the European Union, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Regional Organization (IGAD), Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Arab League ( LAS), Holland, Norway, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Qatar, Russia, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Uganda, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the United States Government and the United Nations.


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