RW Abiy miyuu ka laabtay heshiiskii uu la galay SL?

“Madaxweyne Ruto iyo Ra’isulWasaare Abiy,waxay hoosta ka xariiqeen baahida loo qabo in la ilaaliyo Nabadda,Amniga iyo xasilloonida Qaaradda oo lagama maarmaan u ah kobaca dhaqaalaha iyo horumarka,sidaas awgeed,waxay cadaynayaan in ay aqoonsan yihiin,ixtiraamayaan oo ay dhawrayaan Madax-bannaanida iyo Wadajirka dhuleed ee Dowladaha”

“President Ruto and Prime Minister Abiy underscored the need to maintain peace, security and stability within the continent as a necessary condition for economic growth and development in accordance with universal aspirations. Accordingly, they affirmed to recognise, respect and uphold the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, and to reject unconstitutional changes of government as well as interference in domestic political processes of African countries by external interests,”

Waa mid ka mid ah Qodobada kasoo baxay Warmurtiyeedka kulanka hogaamiyayaasha Kenya iyo Itoobiya.

Waa Qodob dul istaagaya xadgudubka Itoobiya ku samaysay Madaxbanaanida iyo Gobanimada Dhuleed ee Somaliya.

Inkastoo uusan xoog badnayn hadana,wuxuu Waji gabax ku yahay Itoobiya oo la gashay heshiis isfahan SL oo ah DG Somaliyed.


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