Safaarada Turkiga oo la gaar siiyay cabasho ka dhan ah Ciidanka Haramcad

Safaarada Turkiga ee Somaliya oo la gaarsiiyay cabasho ku aadan Hub fara badan oo Ciidanka Haramcad ay ugudbiyeen.

Hubkaas oo Turkigu usiiyay Ciidankaas la dagaalanka argagixisada,balse si khaldan loo isticmaalay.

Shalay banaanbaxayaashii waxay Ciidanka Haramcad u isticmaaleen Rasaas fara badan.

Halkan ka akhriso Warqada!!!

Date: 12 Dec 2020

To: Mehmet Yılmaz,
Ambassador of Turkey in Somalia

Your Excellency,

The Council of the Presidential Candidates’ Union is deeply concerned about a planned delivery of weapons and ammunitions from the Turkish government to the Harma’ad unit of the Somali Police Force at this sensitive time. The council has learned that a Turkish military aircraft, TUAF767, is set to deliver 1,000 G3 Machine Guns and 150,000 bullets in Mogadishu between 16 and 18 December 2020.

While acknowledging the importance of training and capacity building for the Somali security apparatus, the council is nevertheless worried about this amount of weapons and ammos flooding the country at this sensitive election time.

President Farmajo has already used the Harma’ad forces for coercion and rigging of regional elections, and so there is no doubt the same Harma’ad forces and the weapons from Turkey will be used to hijack the upcoming elections.

For that reason, the council requests that the Government of Turkey delay delivery of the aforementioned weapons until after the 2020/21 elections.

We are hopeful that you will grant this request due consideration.

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