Puntland minster of information H.E Mohamud Aideed Dirir has stated in his recent press conference that the somaliland secessionist admistration in Northern Somalia having it’s a secretive alliance with Al-Shabaab terrorist group.

Honorouble Mohamud Dirir Aideed , the minster of information of puntland has exposed these hidden facts.

” somaliland and Al-Shabaab are true friends and they have one aim, which is causing insecurity and massive distructions in Southren somalia whilst they turned somaliland safe zone”.

” Al-Shabaab never attacks somaliland terretrories becouse of both parties’ secretive friendship” said minster Mohamud Dirir.

Whilst the minster has continued his speech he also told that somaliland Authorities arrange Djiboutian Passport for the Al-Shabaab leaders and their families.

” Even we have a clear secretive reports stating that the top Al-Shabaab leaders’ Families do currently dwell very safe Enviroments in Hargeysa city , the Capital of Somaliland ” minster Mohamud Aideed said in his press conference.

Dr.Ahmed Hasan Saalah

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