Soomaaliya oo gudbisay Jawaabta Gal Dacwadeedka muranka Badda

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), principal judicial organ of the UN, holds hearings in the case of Maritime Delimitation in the Indian Ocean (Somalia v. Kenya) from 19 to 23 September 2016, at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the seat of the Court. The hearings concern solely the preliminary objections raised by Kenya. Session held under the presidency of Judge Ronny Abraham. The CourtÕs role is to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by States (its Judgments are final and binding) and to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized UN organs and agencies. Its official languages are English and French. ICJ news and archives can be accessed via La Cour internationale de Justice (CIJ), organe judiciaire principal des Nations Unies, tient des audiences publiques en lÕaffaire relative ˆ la DŽlimitation maritime dans lÕocŽan Indien (Somalie c. Kenya) du 19 au 23 septembre 2016, au Palais de la Paix, ˆ La Haye, o la Cour a son sige. Les audiences portent exclusivement sur les exceptions prŽliminaires soulevŽes par le Kenya. SŽance publique tenue sous la prŽsidence de M. Ronny Abraham. La Cour est le seul des six organes principaux de lÕONU ˆ ne pas avoir son sige ˆ New York. Sa mission est de rŽgler, conformŽment au droit international, les diffŽrends dÕordre juridique soumis par les Etats (ses arrts sont sans appel et obligatoires pour les Parties) et de donner des avis consultatifs sur les questions juridiques que lui posent les organes et les institutions de lÕONU autorisŽs ˆ le faire. Pour en savoir plus:
Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ee Qaranka Dr. Axmed Cali Daahir, iyo ergo ka kooban qareeno iyo diblumaasiyiin ayaa gaaray Maxkamadda Calaamiga ee Garsoorka (ICJ) ee magaalada Hague.
Ergadan ayaa waxaa ka mid ah qareenno ay garwadeen ka tahay Dr. Muna Al Sharman iyo DanjiMraha Soomaaliya ee Midowga Yurub Dr. Cali Said Faqi, waxana ay uu gudbinayaan jawaabta gal dacwadeedka muran badda ee Soomaaliya iyo Kenya Maxkamada Caalamiga ah ee ICJ.
Maxkamadda ICJ ayaa sanadkii aynu ka soo gudubnay go’aamisay inay qaadi doonto Muranka Badda ee ka dhaxeeya Soomaaliya iyo Kenya.
Sidoo kale waxaa Maxkamada ku sugan ergo ka socota dowlada Kenya oo iyaguna gudbinaya Gal Dacwadeedkooda.
Dalka Kenya ayaa ku doodaya lahaanshiyaha dhul badeed lagu qiyaasay ilaa 100,000km2 oo ku dhaw berriga Soomaaliya, halka Soomaliyana ay isla dhulkaas sheeganeyso in ay biyaheeda ka mid yihiin.
Gudbinta Gal-dacwadeedka ayaa ku soo beegantay xilli dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia ay ku heshiiyeen inay iska kaashadaan

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