Ergeyga gaarka ah ee xog-hayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u jooga Soomaaliya Michael Keating ayaa soo dhoweeyay heshiiskii magaalada Cadaado ay dhawaan kula saxiixdeen madaxweynayaasha Puntland iyo Galmudug.
War- saxaafadeed ka soo baxay xafiiska ergeyga gaarka ah ee xog-hayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya ayaa labada madaxweyne maamul goboleed loogu amaanay heshiiska ay kala sexiixdeen ,waxaana looga codsaday labada dhinac in ay ka shaqeeyaan in ay ka mira dhaliyaan hishiiskaas.
“Beesha caalamka waxay soo dhaweyneysaa heshiiska nabadeed ay gaareen labada Madaxweyne waxaana loo baahanyahay labada dhinac in ay meel mariyaan heshiiskaas, anagana waxaan ka shaqeyneynaa in aan qeybteena ka qaadano heshiiskaas islamarkaan dhiira galino” ayuu yiri Keating.
The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia Michael Keating welcomes the peace discussions that took place between Presidents Abdiweli Mohamed Ali “Gaas” of Puntland and Ahmed Ducaale Geelle “Xaaf” of Galmudug state to build peace and confidence in the central regions, with a focus on Gaalkacyo, on 29 May 2017.
“The discussions that took place between Presidents Gaas and Xaaf are very significant and encouraging. Resolving grievances and finding mutually beneficial solutions is the way forward for the central regions overall, and especially for Galkacyo right now,” said SRSG Keating. “Everyone stands to benefit.”
The two state presidents agreed to end the dispute and promote constructive dialogue between their administrations. They committed to the opening of roads to allow free movement of people and goods.
United Nations and international partners stand ready to support Presidents Gaas and Xaaf and working with all constituencies in supporting Somalia’s peace and state-building process.

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