Taliska Africom oi ka hadlay dukhaymo ay fuliyeen

Taliska Ciidamada Mareykanka ee Qaaradda Afrika U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) oo kaashanaya Dawlada Federalka Somalia,ayaa waxey si wadajir ah u fuliyeen (2) labo duqeyn oo cirka ah laguna bartilmaameedsanayay xaro ay leeyihiin ururka al-Shabaab oo ku taal agagaarka Kunyo Barrow, Soomaaliya,Jan. 1, 2021.
Sida ay ku sheegeen warsaxaafadeed uu soo saarey Taliska Africom in ay socoto qiimeyntii u dambeysey, hase yeeshee qiimayntii ugu horreysay ee la soo gabagabeeyay ayaa ku dhammaatay burburka dhismayaasha la beegsaday.

In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted two airstrikes in Somalia on Jan. 1, 2021.

Both strikes targeted al-Shabaab compounds in the vicinity of Qunyo Barrow, Somalia. Final assessments are ongoing, however the initial assessment concluded the strikes resulted in the destruction of both targeted compounds.

U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM)

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