The African Union has criticized the way and timing of Somalia’s demand for the withdrawal of Atmis forces

At least one AU official appears to be unhappy with the way the Somali government handled the matter in requesting “technical pause” of the drawdown.

The official who cannot be named says the Somali government bypassed the right authority.

Here is a summary of what he said:

•This letter should have been addressed not to the UN Security Council but to the mandated organ which is the AU Peace and Security Council. They are the ones who mandated the deployment of ATMIS forces.

•The request should have been addressed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or above, and then the Somali embassy in Addis would have transmitted.

•You don’t wake up few weeks before the drawdown happens, and you don’t even inform the TCCs (Troop Contributing Countries).

•The AU has a mission in Mogadishu. Why not consult with them before writing that letter?

•All of this confusion only benefits al-Shabaab and not the brave Somalis who are fighting against al-Shabaab.

•The time has come for the Somali government to change course and have an honest conversation based on the prevailing and real security situation with its international partners starting with the African Union.


Source:-Harun Macruf.

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