The newly built modern port of Garad seems attracting the attention of regional powers

The newly built modern port of Garad seems attracting the attention of regional powers; mainly the UAE and Turkey.

The UAE is in discussion with Puntland authority for the take over of port’s management and majority of its privately held shares. The of Port of Garaad, which has recently joined the important ports of the Horn remains attractive to the Gulf and regional counties as well.

The aim of the UAE is that there are no other ports in the Red Sea countries that can compete with their ports.

While the Turks are trying to limit the UAE influence in Somalia. The port of Garacad is high in the list of UAE’s take over quest; causing head on collision with the Turks who recently signed maritime security cooperation with the Somali Government.

According to unnamed sources, Turks are taking advantage of their relations with Hassan, and they are trying to influence him to not allow the take over of Garaad port by the UAE.

The political and economic competition between these two rivals could have a long term impact on Puntland state and the modernization of Gara’ad port which could further endanger fragile Somalia. A time for serious consideration and farsightedness is now.

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