The Unjust Imprisonment of Dr. Abdirahman Jama Kulmiye: A Stark Indictment of Somaliland’s Democratic Claims

Garowe, (IDNE, Editorial) The recent imprisonment of Dr. Abdirahman Jama Kulmiye by Somaliland is a glaring injustice that underscores a profound lack of due process and exposes the hypocrisy in labeling Somaliland a democracy.

Dr. Kulmiye, an Australian citizen and renowned hydrobiologist and fisheries specialist, has been unjustly detained since December 7, 2023. He arrived in Somaliland to fulfill his advisory role with the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), intending to provide specialized training to local communities—a testament to his commitment to humanitarian and environmental causes.

Yet, where are the Western academics and British politicians who extol Somaliland as a democratic beacon in the region? Their silence is deafening as an innocent academic is dragged before a military court on unfounded allegations and left to languish in prison. The lack of outcry from these supposed champions of democracy is both disappointing and revealing.

Dr. Kulmiye’s case starkly illustrates the absence of due process in Somaliland. The charges against him are baseless, and his treatment blatantly contravenes the principles of justice and human rights that are supposed to underpin democratic governance. Instead of being celebrated for his contributions, Dr. Kulmiye is being unjustly punished.

This situation seriously undermines the credibility of Somaliland’s claims to democratic values. True democracies do not subject civilians to military courts, nor do they incarcerate innocent academics without evidence or a fair trial. The international community, especially those who continue to praise Somaliland, must now demand Dr. Kulmiye’s immediate release and a thorough investigation into this miscarriage of justice.

Moreover, it is astonishing that neither the FAO, the Australian government, the government of Somalia, the Puntland regional government, nor the UN have made any attempts to inquire about Dr. Kulmiye’s well-being or petition for his release. This negligence highlights a broader issue of accountability and advocacy within these organizations.

The imprisonment of Dr. Kulmiye calls into question the integrity of Somaliland’s purported democratic values and the silence of international actors who should be advocating for his release. It is imperative that these entities hold Somaliland accountable for its actions, ensuring that the principles of justice and democracy are upheld for all its citizens and visitors. Dr. Kulmiye deserves freedom, and Somaliland must be held responsible for this egregious act.

The international community must not stand idly by. It is time to demand justice for Dr. Kulmiye and to reaffirm the global commitment to human rights and due.



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