Turkish Intervention in Somali-Ethiopian Diplomatic Dispute, Source Reveals

Mogadishu, Somalia – Idil News has obtained information from an anonymous source regarding a sensitive diplomatic issue between Somalia and Ethiopia, influenced by Turkey’s involvement. The Turkish government has advised the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) to refrain from responding to a recent speech by Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in the Ethiopian federal parliament.

The anonymous source, who requested anonymity for safety reasons, indicated that Turkish officials assured Somali leaders that Abiy Ahmed’s speech was primarily a political maneuver aimed at survival, lacking substantial content that could jeopardize existing MoU.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s speech highlighted three key points:

  1. The settlement of Ethiopian people, referring to his previous promises regarding access to the Red Sea.
  2. The protection of Muse Bihi, whose campaign promises of exchanging recognition with Abiy Ahmed for Ethiopian access to the sea were thwarted during election rallies in July, August, and September.
  3. A response to Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s statement that Ethiopians sought Turkish mediation to go to Ankara.

Given the current situation, the FGS feels compelled to heed Turkey’s recommendation, as Somalia lacks the military capacity to defend its borders independently. The country does not have the ground forces to secure its borders, naval forces to protect its maritime boundaries, or an air force to safeguard its airspace. Diplomacy remains its primary tool for international relations.

Somalia needs strong leadership who can politically unite the country, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud is prioritizing personal gains over national unity.

From Jibril Qobey by Dr. XIDDIG

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