UK oo safiir cusub usoo magacawday Somaliya

Kate Foster,ayaa Dowlada UK u magacawday in ay noqoto safiirka UK ee dalka Somaliya.

Kate oo heyasata abaalmarinta sare UK ee OBE waxay mudo ka soo shaqeyneysay qeybo kala duwan oo ka mid ah xukumada UK gaar ahaan waaxda horumarinta caalamiga ah

Kate waxay xilka la wareegi doontaa oo shaqadeeda ay rasmi u bilaabeysaa bisha Febaraayo ee soo socota.

Waxay badaleysaa Mr Ben Fender oo ilaa 30-Janaayo 2019 ahaa safiirka UK ee Somaliya

“Ben Fender has become deeply involved in Somali politics in recent weeks, expressing support for Somalia’s disputed electoral commission, which his government is unhappy with that. Analysts believe he lost his job by stepping out of the neutral line”

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