Dawladda Biritan ayaa ku dhowaaqday lacag ka badan 10 milyan oo dollar oo wax looga qabanayo abaaraha dhibaatada ku haya. Soomaaliya.
Deeqdan waxaa ku dhawaaqday Wasiirka Afrika ee Biritan Vicky Ford.
War saxaafadeed,ayaa kasoo baxay safaaradda Biritan ee Soomaaliya.

British Ambassador to Somalia, Kate Foster, said:
The situation is extremely worrying, with millions of people in desperate need of lifesaving food and clean water. The UK is moving quickly to provide support with an additional $10 million of funding, as experience has shown that early, preventative action is vital to avoiding mass loss of life.
So far, the UK has provided £32 million in humanitarian funding this year, reaching over 1 million people with a combination of emergency and longer-term assistance.
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