Urur Goboleedka IGAD oo garab umuujiyay Itoobiya

Ururr Goboleedka IGAD oo Soomaaliya ay xubin ka tahay,ayaa War kasoo baxay ku muujiyay walaac xooganoo ka qabo  xiisadda dhanka Badda ee Somaliya iyo Itoobiya.

“Isaffgarad iyo walaalnimo ha lagu dhameeyo Xaalada taagan”Ayaa lagu yiri qoraalka dulucdiisa.

Marka la qiimeeyo Luuqada Diblomaasi ee qoraalka kasoo baxay IGAD,wuxuu garab umuujinayaa Itoobiya,waxaana ay ka dhigeen arinka Badda wax lagu muransan yahay oo dood ku jira.

Badda,waxaa iska leh Sharciyan Somaliya,heshiiska ay kusoo galayso Itoobiya maleh Sharciyad caalamiya oo SL weli mahan Wadan la aqoonsan yahay,waxay ku hoos jirtaa Qaranimada Somaliya.

IGAD is diligently monitoring the situation and recognises the potential implications for regional stability.

Given the circumstances, the Executive Secretary urges IGAD leaders to be seized, and appeals to the two sisterly countries to collaborate towards a peaceful and amicable resolution of the situation, upholding the shared values that unite the IGAD family.

IGAD remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting peace, stability, cooperation, and regional integration.





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