Video:-Abiy oo qaylo dhaan udirsaday Ruushka

Hogaamiyayaasha reer Galbeedku way ka tashteen talaabada ay ka qaadayaan kaligood talyayaasha Itoobiya iyo Somaliya iyo waliba aragtida Diktatooriga ee Asiyas Geeska ku faafinayo.

“They expressed concern over increased tensions between Sudan and Ethiopia and encourage both countries to resolve their difference through peaceful means. They also discussed the situation in Somalia, where they expected a political consensus to deliver an election without delay.The European Union and United States intend to intensify their cooperation on Afghanistan, together with key partners, to advance the peace process and to ensure the long-term stability and prosperity of the country. The European Union and its Member States are the largest civilian assistance donors to Afghanistan, contributing to the common goal of stability in the region”

Si cad,ayaa loogu sheegay in uusan Kursiga sii fadhiyi doonin ayna diyaar tahay Maxkamadayntiisii caalamiga ahayd”Sida ay xaqiijinayaan xogaha hoose.

Hogaamiye kooxeedka soo daahay ee isaga ka tala qaadanayayna wadadan,ayaa sugaysa.

Kaligii Talye Aduunka loogama baahna.

Halkan ka daawo muuqaalka

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