Video:-Amisom oo wareejisay jaamacadii Gaheyr

SOMALIA, Mogadishu: In a handout photograph released by the United Nations-African Union Information Support Team, Augustine Mahiga, Special Representative of the Secretary General for the United Nations Political Office in Somalia (UNPOS) addresses troops and officers from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) at their headquarters 24 January following his arrival in the Somali capital. Mahiga and UNPOS have moved permanently to the Somali capital the first time the UN has a full-time in-country presence in Somalia for 17 years - from neighbouring Kenya following significant security improvements within Mogadishu over the last 6 months. Upon his arrival Mahiga said: "Without the incredible efforts and sacrifice of the troops from Somalia and other African countries, we would not be here today," adding ""I sincerely hope that the arrival of the UN Political Office will mark the start of renewed hope for the future of Somalia, we have much to do and we are eager to get straight to work." AU-UN IST PHOT

Ciidamada AMISOM ayaa saaka bilaabay inay ka guuraan mid ka mid ah fariisimihii ugu weynaa ee ay ku lahaayeen magaalada Muqdisho, gaar ahaan dhismaha Jaamacaddii Gaheyr ee ku taal degmada Wadajir.

Dhismaha Jaamacaddan ayaa muddo 10 sano ku dhow ay degenaayeen Ciidamada AMISOM ee ka socda dalka Burundi, waxaana lagu wadaa in lagu wareejiyo Ciidamo Boolis.

Guuritaanka Ciidamada AMISOM ee fariisinkooda Jaamacadda Gaheyr ayaa saameyn ku yeelatay isu socodka gaadiidka, iyadoo loo xiray waddooyin dhowr ah, sida dhanka wadada aada Afgooye.hoos ka daawo muuqaalka.




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