Video:-Taageer xarunta Dadka dhimirka ka xanuunsan lagu daryeelo ee Qardho

Qardo Mental Health Centre

officially is opened 2011 and it’s the referral center in
all region of Puntland Government and where is currently Psychiatrist and nurse Psychiatric practitioner are available.

Hundred of internally displaced people have been squatting in Gardho for many years, and the number increases every day also some refuge came from other counters like Yeman Many of these people have experienced the civil war, poverty, unemployment and other hardships causing them to have some type of mental illness.

During that time we treated more than 17,000 patients in different disease. Since then, there was no support from any other sources like government and other
organization, the center was run by community contribution and The running cost of the centre is covered by community contribution as staff salary, medications andother utilities.

We are a team of organizers who currently live and reside in Minnesota named Danwadaag and work under Somali Mental Health Foundation. We are working with them on a project to build additional water supply system for Qardho Mental Health Hospital.

This fund will be used to support the clinic so that they can build a clean water supply system so that they can support clean sanitation for patients they currently serve. Currently, the water system at the clinic can’t sustain the current rate of patients they are serving at the hospital. With this fund, we will be able to build a water tank that will support this clinic to serve the locals 24/7 since this is the only mental health clinic in that region.

We built this relationship when we meet with Dr. Abaas who over seas the clinic operations. We also visited the region last year to see the patients and to see the water tank problem in the region. These people need a tank that will help all patients and clinic staff. Therefore, we are raising the funds for them.

When we reach the goal of our project then we will withdraw the money into the Somali Mental Health foundation bank account, and from there we will take the money and send it via Western Union or money remittance companies like Dhahabshiil and then, our point person on the ground will do a contract bidding. The final contractor who wins the bid will  build the community clinic tank. That is the process on how we will use the funds to make this project successful.

For more info, Please visit our foundation’s website






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