Video:-Xasan Shiikh muxuu ka yiri sheegashada Somaliland ee ah in uu isagu saxiixay heshiiska Dekeda Berbera-?

SOMALIA, Mogadishu: In photograph taken and released by the African Union-United Nations Information Support Team 19 April 2013, Somali President Hassan Sheik Mohamud is seen in his presidential office inside Villa Somalia, the complex which houses the Somali government in the country's capital Mogadishu. Listed in this year's Time Magazine list of the 100 most influential people, Mohamud is president of Somalia's first democratically elected government after two decades of civil war unrest and conflict in the Horn of Africa nation. AU-UN IST PHOTO / STUART PRICE.

Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh oo iska beri yeelay sheegashada Somaliland ee ah in uu isagu saxiixay heshiiska DP World ee Dekeda Berbera ay kula wareegayso.

”Anigu ma sixiixin shaqona kuma lihi heshiiskaas,balse Somaliland waa qayb kamid ah Somaliya ,waxii mashaariic horumarineed ah oo aan qaranimada iyo midnimada dhaawacayn waxba kama qabo”ayuu yiri Xasan Shiikh.

Hadalka Madxaweyne Xasan ayaa yimid ka gadaal markii masuul ka tirsan maamulka Somaliland uu sheegay in heshiiska Berbera uu ogolaaday waxbna ka ogaa Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh.

hadab hoos ka daawo muuqaalka jawaabta Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh ee sheegashada Somaliland.





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