Wax ka ogow tirada Ururada iyo dalalka ka horyimid damaca Farmaajo

Madaxweynaha muddo-xileedkiisu dhamaaday ee DFS Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo, ayaa waji gabax kala kulmay muddo kordhin uu ka sameystay Golaha Shacabka Baarlamaanka waqtigiisu dhamaaday, kuwaas oo in muddo ah aan shaqeynin.

Go’aankii Baarlamanka iyo Madaxtooyada ee muddo kordhinta ayaa waxaa si adag uga horyimid:

  1. Upper House of Somalia Parliament
  2. PL
  3. JL
  4. Galmudug Govt members
  5. CPC
  6. Civil Society
  7. Somali Business Community
  8. IC reps Mogadishu
  9. US government
  10. UK government
  11. EU President
  12. Sweden
  13. US Senate Foreign Relations
  14. Norway
  15. Chief Commissioner of Banadir Regional Police
  16. Galmudug cabinet members
  17. African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)
  18. Canada
  19. Denmark European 19. Finland
  20. Germany
  21. Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
  22. Ireland
  23. Italy
  24. Netherlands
  25. Spain
  26. Switzerland
  27. United Nations
  28. North Hirshabelle (Beletweyn)
  29. African Union
  30. Burea of African Affairs, USA
  31. Beesha Hawiye ee Soomaaliyeed
    33.US Africom military

Waxaa taageeray:

  1. Madaxweynihii muddo xileedku ka dhamaaday mudane Farmajo
  2. 57 members of the lower house
  3. Banadir Admin, Southwest and South Hirshabelle.

Jibril Qoobey.

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