Xog xasaasiya oo laga helay Wardoonka Itoobiya oo xaqiijinaya in Mustafe Cagjar Walaalkii qayb ka ahaa Shabaab

Mustafe Cagjar Walaalkii oo lagu magacaabo Maxamed Cagjar oo Madax ka ah kooxda Al-Tadamun,ayaa qayb ka ah in Alshabaab gudaha usoo galaan Dhulka Itoobiya.

Dhawaan warbixin dhamaystiran oo faahfaahin doonta qodobada fududeeyay in Alshabaab ku dhiiradaan soo gelida Dhulka Itoobiya oo Dowlada Itoobiya kasoo bixi doonta ayay xogtan hoose qayb ka tahay.

“Understandably, the government of Ethiopian, during the war in the north part of the country,handed the issue of boarder security to somali regional administration, however, it seems that Al shabab was given free movement into the Region for one of the following reasons :

1) Possibly ,Al Shabab threat was neglected intentionally as some memers of Somali region administration are sleeping in bed with Al Shabaab .This has been raised repeatedly and many occasions with the Federal Government of Ethiopia but non was done to investigate that matter.

2 Al Tadamun group which is headed by Mohamed Agjar , a brother of mustafe is believed to have forged strong ties with Al Shabaab in one way or another and that is what provided Al Shabaab accessibility and mobility within the Region in and out.

3 Other less possible for Al Shabaab to easily cross the boarder to Ethiopia is due to carelessness and just negligence from the Administration .

A full report will be published very soon in this regard covering all contributing factors to the cause of insecurity that is challenging the Somali Region.

Reliable source.

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